Thursday, April 30, 2009

Congratulations To the 2009-2010 Class Officers!!

Please meet in Ms. Waite’s room tomorrow morning (5/1) at 7:10 for some important information!!

Senior Class Officers (In Alphabetical Order)

Courtney Dumont
Caitlyn Jacobson
Parker O’Very
Chase Quinn

Junior Class Officers (In Alphabetical Order)

Kaela Baucom
Austin Emch
Taylor Jaussi
Garret Steed

Friday, April 24, 2009

Congratulations to the Top Ten Candidates for Senior and Junior Class Office!
Please see Ms. Waite or Mrs. Taylor Monday after school for more details on the next stage of the elections. We appreciate all the candidate for their efforts in the election. Posters that have been removed can be found in room 2306 and must be collected by Friday, May 1st.

Senior Class Officer Candidates (in alphabetical order according to first name)

Caitlyn Jacobson
Candice Backus
Chase Quinn
Chris Bernier
Courtney Dumont
Heidi Sorensen
Jordan Weihing
Kate Knaras
Parker O'Very
Ryan Clawson

Junior Class Officer Candidates (in alphabetical order according to first name)

Alissa Gibbons
Austin Emch
Brad Brinkman
Garret Steed
Hillary Hudson
Holly King
Kaela Baucom
Preston Case
Sean Johnson
Taylor Jaussi

Check back here for your top 10 Class Officer candidates